SEPTA Parent Liaison

Arlington Special Education PTA (SEPTA) is a countywide PTA that represents students, teachers, and specialists within the Special Education community. SEPTA is a community-wide organization, and Arlington SEPTA represents all APS schools and programs. SEPTAs focus on special education issues and advocacy for children with disabilities.


SEPTA es la asociación de padres y maestros para personas interesadas en la educación de los niños con diferencias de aprendizaje o necesidades especiales. Reconocemos que los estudiantes tienen un gran rango de estilos de aprendizaje y de habilidades y trabajamos para fomentar una experiencia de aprendizaje de alta calidad para todos los niños. Somos un recurso para todos los padres y el único PTA del distrito que apoya a todas las escuelas y familias con niños con necesidades especiales.


About SEPTA Parent Liaisons

Parent liaisons serve as critical positions in the dissemination of information between Claremont and Arlington SEPTA, the Parent Resource Center (PRC), Arlington Special Education Advisory Committee (ASEAC) for meeting dates and information, and the community. Liaisons serve as a point of contact for families in connecting with another parent of a child with a disability within the individual school.


Liaisons will work with SEPTA and the PRC, and can help form community support within their school. Some examples could be a SEPTA breakfast, or a Pre-PTA meeting meet and greet, so that parents/guardians of students receiving special education support can form connections.

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